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Creating an unconditional foundation for peace, happiness, and confidence 

Join Dragontree founder Briana Borten on March 3rd , 2021 at 11:00 AM PT // 2:00 PM ET  for this free online workshop.


You’re invited to a free, online workshop to learn to become more grounded in your essential self, to root down into your strength, your humanity, and know that you are worthy. Always.

Join us March 3rd , 2021 at 11 AM PT // Noon MT //  1 PM CT // 2 PM ET

There are times in all our lives when we feel like we’re on shaky ground, not only with others, but with ourselves as well.


What happens in your heart when someone disagrees with you? How do you respond when life calls you out on your own behavior or bias? What about when you miss a goal, or don’t live up to your expectations for yourself? Do these things change the way you see yourself?

It’s human nature to feel vulnerable in moments of friction like these. That’s why it’s important to have a deeply-rooted sense of unconditional self-worth.

What does that mean, exactly? I’m not talking about ego or self-esteem.

Self-worth doesn’t come from rocking your to-do list, hitting a personal best at the gym, or winning in any “best of” category. It doesn’t grow with approval from others, or shrink with derision.

Self-worth is unconditional.

Let me say that again. Self-worth is unconditional.

It is the truth that YOU DESERVE to be alive, loved, and celebrated. YOU, by virtue of your very presence as a human in this universe, deserve to take up space and be seen.

You are worthy, even when:
You don’t love yourself;
You’re not at your best;
You want to just give up!

When we struggle with feelings of unworthiness, often we look outside ourselves for help. We work hard! We throw ourselves into trying to improve. We seek approval and validation to make ourselves feel more deserving.

Here’s the thing- no amount of grit, mental make-over, or love will have even the tiniest impact on your self-worth.

All the effort in the world will never bring you more of it, and no amount of failure can diminish it. It is constant, immutable, and undeniable. You cannot lose it, gain it, compete with it, or give it away.
It’s yours, forever and always- as solid and supportive as the earth itself.

As unshakeable as our self-worth is, our connection to it can suffer. When we refuse to forgive our failings, or allow ourselves to feel diminished in comparison to a social ideal, we can start to lose sight of the sacredness of our own being.

It’s important to nurture our sense of self-worth, even when our lives as we live them don’t perfectly reflect our vision for the future.

Think about the last time you missed a target, or failed to follow through on a promise. Did you feel a sense of shame? Did your heart shrink?

This is the time to ground yourself in your own self-worth.


Creating a unconditional foundation for peace and confidence 

What will you get out of it? 

At the Dragontree, we know that cultivating an unconditional sense of self-worth is utterly foundational to living in peace, happiness, and confidence. 

That’s why we spend the first eight weeks of our Dragontree Life Coaching curriculum in the Sacred Expansion program, nurturing our connection to our sacred core so that we can stand strong and expand into our fullest, most marvelous form.

And its why we’re offering this workshop free to you, so that you can begin living a life rooted in unshakeable happiness, peace, and confidence

Join us for


Creating an unconditional foundation for peace and confidence 


We’ll gather March 3rd at 11 AM PT // 2 PM ET for a deep and rewarding inward journey

Why is it so important to do this NOW? 

If the last year has taught us anything it’s that setbacks, detours, and loop de loops are an unavoidable part of the journey. It’s so easy to get distracted, and thrown off your course when things don’t go as planned. But when you build your unshakeable foundation for peace, confidence, and happiness, the backtracks, bumps, and roadblocks that life throw at us stop being obstacles, and start showing up as signs that you are moving forward

High five, you brilliant creature!

I’m Briana Borten and I’m here to teach you how to create a vision for your life that inspires you and helps you to recognize that everything you need, you have within you. Everything I do is inspired by my purpose: to create more peace in the world by seeding it with more peaceful people. 

No one thing is going to solve your challenges or make you feel peaceful because we have our crazy minds, we have our aching bodies, and our longing for meaning. We are complex creatures, which is why I have committed to making a wide variety of resources for people to find their way home to themselves and a greater sense of peace.

My work has grown steadily outward from the tangible to the intangible layers that help us find peace. From tending to people’s bodies with treatments and products in our spas, to helping people actualize their goals, manage their minds, and consciously choose their thoughts and beliefs through programs and tools like the Rituals For Living Dreambook and Planner, The Well Life book, and the Dragontree Life Coaching program.

I want you to have peace, freedom and connection to be who you really are and the purpose you are here to serve. I believe in you with all my heart and I’ve poured my love into the tools to help you access your highest potential.

Thank you Briana…The joy of being on the planet and living conscience lives connecting our energies and knowing we are each out there being a difference. Taking care of ourselves, deepening our connection to the self. feeling free, having fun and being creative.” – Ana

“Briana, I am so thankful for this opportunity arising at this critical moment in my life. I thank the universe for the alignment of my true compass that pointed me towards this experience AND truly appreciate everyone person here who made this possible through their participation. We did this work together and we are magic.” – Catherine

“Briana’s capacity to see, work with and lovingly shift your energy — i.e. the system underlying everything you are feeling and experiencing— is truly remarkable. Not to mention breathtakingly efficient. Time spent with her brings me distinct clarity in a way few things can.” – Ginny

You ready?

I can’t wait to be with you at this incredible event. It’s going to be deeply tranformative and opening.